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Moving Day Must-Do's

Ten things you need to do before your Removalist arrives to ensure a stress-free move.
First of all, can we just say, “You’ve got this!”?! You’ve already done a massive amount of work and ticked many things off your moving home checklist. Which is why we know you’re going to absolutely knock it out of the park on Moving Day. Yes, the moving day.

It’s fast approaching and we want you to be and feel as prepared as you possibly can. AND we want to save you money on the cost of your move, by having everything ready to go before the muscle Removalists arrive. 
We put together this list for you to follow on the actual day itself, but also in the lead up to. 

Bookmark this tab, print out the page, do whatever you have to do to make sure you have this information handy when it comes time to move home.
Say hi to the movers

Whether they’re professionals or some much-loved friends and family who are coming to help you move, make sure you take the time to check in before the big day to chat through the logistics of the move. It will help it go much smoother.

Access, access, access

Be sure to let your movers know of any potential obstacles to accessing your property ahead of the day - think lifts, stairs, driveway access, parking restrictions such as hourly time limits or clearways. You might even need to weigh up the cost of a parking permit for the day.

Money Saver 🤑 The closer the trucks can get to your property entrance the less time it will take them to move your belongings which could = money in your bank!
Clean the new house

If you can, go to your new place a day or so before moving day to make sure it’s looking spiffy before furniture starts arriving. It’s much easier to clean whilst the floors are clear.

Disassemble what you can

The more you can (safely) disassemble, the less the movers have to do on the day which could shave time and money off your move. Are there any big or bulky items you can safely take apart? Think bed frame, dining table, IKEA furniture... 

The ol' empty and tape-shut trick
There’s nothing worse than a game of pick-up (insert name of contents from the draw you didn't tape down). Our movers kindly ask that you empty all drawers and tape doors shut to stop contents from falling out during the move and doors getting damaged. Fridge, TV Unit, Bedside table ... we're looking at you. 
Empty the fridge and let the esky shine

By emptying your fridge before moving, you save yourself the risk of a big mess and wasting food that could potentially be transported in an esky with ice and ready for you when you've settled in.

Don't forget 💡 to disconnect the fridge, washing machine and big appliances ahead of time.
Keep your valuables on you
Keep valuables such as jewellery, wallets, important documents and passports with you for the move if you can, it's better to be safe than sorry with these things.
Did you connect your utilities?

Trust us. At the end of Move Day, you're really going to want to Netflix & chill. You'll need to connect your essential utilities for that. Give yourself buffer room by planning for these to be turned on one week before you move in. 

Pack an essentials box

You know that box that we suggested you prepare with your personal essentials and your family’s essentials aka phone charger, water bottle, snacks for the kids-to get you through the day? Well, it's the day! Let's pack that bad boy, mark it clearly and put it in the car to come with you. 


Don’t forget this one, it’s important. You may have already planned to order pizza. In which case, start dialling and get munching. Just don’t forget to order enough for the whole crew.

Feeling inspired? We thought so. Let's jump back into your to-do list to get things going.