The Moving Manual | The ultimate guide to moving home

Your moving home essentials

Written by BeMoved | Mar 10, 2023 12:32:25 AM
Crossing the threshold into your new home for the first time is incredibly exciting. Not so exciting? Realising you forgot to buy toilet paper after your first visit to the loo.

So that you don’t get caught with your pants down, we’ve prepared a list of all the absolutely essential things you’ll need to have nearby in the first 24 hours in your new home.
Whether you're packing just for yourself or for the whole family, we've got your moving out-of-home checklist sorted. We suggest packing these necessary items in one or more boxes and labelling them ‘Essentials’.
Your personal essentials:
  • Clothes—An old t-shirt you don’t mind getting dirty, an extra pair of underwear, stretchy pants. You don’t know exactly what you’ll be doing on day one in your new home but you know you’ll need to be comfy. Add these clothing items to your Essentials box for easy access.
  • Toothbrush—First night in your new home? Fun. Furry teeth? Not so fun.
  • Medicine—Painkillers, bandaids, vitamins. Keep a first aid kit on hand for any cuts, nicks or sore heads that come with moving.
  • Toiletries—Lifting furniture, boxes, multiple trips to the car. Moving involves a lot of, well, movement. Keep deodorant, sunscreen and other handy toiletries on hand so you can feel fresh from day one.
  • Entertainment—Got little ones ‘helping’ you move? When they’re done offering support, offer them something to do by keeping an iPad or book close by. Plus, you’ll need something to do when you’re taking a lunch break in between managing the move.
  • Phone—If it’s not already practically attached to your hand like the rest of us, add this one to your Essentials box. Good for ordering pizza when all is said and done.
  • Computer—Couldn’t get the day off work? Don’t sweat it. Add your computer or laptop to your Essentials box so you can jump on last-minute work calls and show your colleagues your new place.
  • Chargers—See Phone and Laptop.

Your family essentials:

  • Toilet paper—Goes without saying, really.
  • Hand soap—When you move, there are usually lots of people coming in and out of your home. Bring at least one bottle of soap and keep it near the kitchen sink to help everyone keep their hands and your things clean.
  • Tea towel and dishcloth—Essential for when you go to cook (or order take out) and have to clean up afterwards.
  • All-purpose cleaner—To cover all (cleaning) bases.
  • Snacks—Nothing works up an appetite more than lifting heavy boxes. Keep snacks like fruit or nuts nearby so you can power up and get through the move with enough energy.
  • Drinks—If you’re not already a 2L a day kind of person, bring plenty of water and store it in a water bottle so you can take sips throughout the move. Extra drinks with a bit of sugar or caffeine will keep everybody motivated.
  • Pet food and dishes—All the stress of moving can make furry friends feel a bit overwhelmed. In addition to their usual food and bowls, bring some tasty treats to let your pet know all is well.
  • Plates, cups, cutlery and scissors—For preparing and serving your first few dishes in your new home, or opening boxes with ease.
  • Kids things—Got little ones under foot? Make sure you bring their naptime essentials so they (and you) can get some rest. Things like their cot, white noise machine, sheets, comforter, onesie, sleeping bag, pacifier and bottle.
  • Small emergency kit—Whether someone cuts their finger or bumps their knee, keep a kit with first aid essentials like disinfectant and bandages on hand so you’re 100% prepared. 
  • Flashlight / candles / matches—We recommend you organise for electricity to be turned on in your new home at least a week before you move in. We even built a task card into our app to help you do so. But just in case, bring a flashlight or even some candles to set the mood.
  • Shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush, toothpaste—You’re going to want to take a long shower at the end of moving day. Scrub up with your essential toiletries close by.
  • Change of clothes—Post shower, you’ll want to slip into something clean and comfy. Bring your favourite pair of pyjamas or chill out clothes to change into. We also recommend you pack something warm in case of cool weather.
  • Towels—Towels for the bathroom, towels for the kitchen, towels to protect the floor against paint, dust or grubby feet.
  • Garbage bags—Moving can be messy, so garbage bags are integral to keeping things clean and organised.
  • Tool kit—Already planning on hanging up the first picture in your new home? Bring a tool kit so you can add some personal touches or do some home improvement when you arrive.
Now that that's sorted, the only thing left to decide? What you're watching on Netflix that night.